SAY Social Media Essentials
Say digital media provide a range of services to business, both large and small.
We have provided business and digital services since 2009, being at the very start of the social media, digital revolution.Our focus is on building the basics of your social media marketing plan. The core of our work centres around:
Having a realistic Digital Strategy that is aligned to your business aims and objectives.
The completion of a Digital Audit, it starts with you and a review of your digital footprint to date, followed by a in-depth audit of your competitors and customers.
Review or preparation of a company social media policy, that reflects your business values, ethics and reputation.
Support, guidance, coaching and mentoring where needed.
Full Day: Social Media Essentials
Outline of the Day
Don’t Leave It To Chance
How to use Social Media to Grow your Business
Setting Strategic Goals & Objectives – how social media can help you achieve them
Social Media Strategy - Workbook
Social Media Policy - Workbook
Tools & Tactics: How to use Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and many more
Professional guidelines: what you can and can not do on Social Media
Content management: How to produce great content on-line
Sales and Lead Generation: Finding new customers
Creating Brand awareness: How to create brand advocates with existing customers
Creating new customers and keeping them
How to deliver great customer service through social media
Essential third party tools and applications
HR: how to deal with issues in social misuse
Legal and professional etiquette in social media
This course will enable you to create an effective social media strategy, while at the same time give you the skills to manage and implement a cost effective social media plan.
Cost: £600 per day plus VAT, plus any travel, accommodation and subsistence that may be needed.
“Alan is an absolute genius with marketing and social media. He has introduced my company (and myself) to an alien world - which has had phenomenal impact (positively for my company). Working with Alan is an absolute pleasure - he is patient, initiative and full of knowledge and ideas on how to market your business to maximum effects with the use of social media. He also advised on website design and gave suggestions for improvement. He is a real asset for any business!!! I could not recommend any one more highly”
— Eileen Baron: Director Eclipse Training Associates
Digital Media Audit
Digital audit
Your digital audit is important to ensure that your on-line presence is accurate, consistent and complete.
You must ensure that you have a complete overview of what is happening, who is working on social media and what you want to see, rather than what is there currently. This is to inform your strategy
Analyse what you have currently and if possible create actions or benchmarks to get to where you want your social media to be. i.e. the journey you need to take
Please contact us to discuss costs.
“You’ve heard that social media can increase the profitability of your business? Cynical, fearful or just don’t know where to start? Talk to Alan: he helped me understand how to harness the power of social media to further develop mine and other client businesses.”
— Nynzi Maung
Half Day: Social Media Essentials
We will work with you on-line to help you develop your strategy.
• How to use Social Media to Grow your Business
• Setting Strategic Goals & Objectives – how social media can help you achieve them
• Social Media Strategy - Workbook
• Social Media Policy - Workbook
• Tools & Tactics: How to use Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, & Instagram effectively
Cost: £300 per half day plus VAT.
“We recently participated in the excellent Social Media Essentials course promoted by Say Consultancy Limited and Valued Academy, presented by Alan McGee. The two day course highlighted the benefits that social media can bring to our business and was filled with practical content which will allow us to establish a focused social media strategy.
— Barry James: Tax Manager at Leathers Accountants